Local Offices

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***We are still adding local office information. Please check back for complete information if you don’t find what you’re looking for.

Update: BLM Field Offices added December 18. FSA Offices added Jan. 15.

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Beaverhead Conservation District Office
420 Barrett St
Dillon, MT 59725

406-683-3802 beaverheadcd@gmail.com Counties: Beaverhead County

Big Horn Conservation District Office
724 W Third Street
Hardin, MT 59034

406-665-3442 ext 112 gloria.menke@mt.usda.gov Counties: Big Horn County

Big Sandy Conservation District Office
PO Box 218
232 First Street N
Big Sandy, MT 59520

406-378-2298 bigsandycd@yahoo.com Counties: Chouteau County

Bitterroot Conservation District Office
1709 N First Street
Hamilton, MT 59840

406-363-5010ext101 bcd@qwestoffice.net Counties: Ravalli County

Blaine County Conservation District Office
PO Box 189
228 Ohio Street
Chinook, MT 59523

406-357-2320 ext 101 shannon.sattleen@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Blaine County

Broadwater Conservation District Office
415 S Front Street
Townsend, MT 59644

406-266-3146 ext 104 bcd@mt.net Counties: Broadwater County

Carbon Conservation District Office
PO Box 510
606 W Front Avenue
Joliet, MT 59041

406-962-3641ext105 mabel.schwend@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Carbon County

Carter County Conservation District Office
PO Box 313
Ekalaka, MT 59324

406-775-6355 ext 101 cccd42k@gmail.com Counties: Carter County

Cascade County Conservation District Office
12 Third Street NW
Upper Level
Great Falls, MT 59404

406-727-3603 ext 125 t.achison@3rivers.net Counties: Cascade County

Chouteau County Conservation District Office
PO Box 309
1210 25th Street
Fort Benton, MT 59442

406-622-5627 ext 101 chouteaucd@yahoo.com Counties: Chouteau County

Custer County Conservation District Office
3120 Valley Drive E
Miles City, MT 59301

406-232-7905 ext 103 carol.watts@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Custer County

Daniels County Conservation District Office
PO Box 605
Scobey, MT 59263

406-487-5366 ext 101 danielscountycd@gmail.com Counties: Daniels County

Dawson County Conservation District Office
102 Fir Street FP
Glendive, MT 59330

406-377-2564 baconm@dawsoncountymontana.com Counties: Dawson County

Deer Lodge Valley Conservation District Office
1002 Hollenback Road
Suite C
Deer Lodge, MT 59722

406-846-1703 ext 4 susie.johnson@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Powell County, Deer Lodge County

Eastern Sanders County Conservation District Office
7487 MT Hwy 200
Plains, MT 59859

406-826-3701 patsy.meredith@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Sanders County

Fergus Conservation District Office
211 McKinley
Suite 3
Lewistown, MT 59457

406-538-7401 ext 101 fcd@midrivers.com Counties: Fergus County

Flathead Conservation District Office
133 Interstate Lane
Kalispell, MT 59901

406-752-4220 gingerk@flatheadcd.org Counties: Flathead County

Gallatin Conservation District Office
PO Box 569
120 S 5th Street
Suite B104
Manhattan, MT 59741

406-282-4350 admin@gallatincd.org Counties: Gallatin County

Garfield County Conservation District Office
PO Box 369
307 Main Street
Jordan, MT 59337

406-557-2740 ext 100 garfieldcd@mt.nacdnet.org Counties: Garfield County

Glacier County Conservation District Office
#1 Third Street NE
Cut Bank, MT 59427

406-873-5733 ext 101 glaciercountycd@gmail.com Counties: Glacier County

Granite Conservation District Office
PO Box 926
105 South Holland
Philipsburg, MT 59858

406-859-3291 karen.peterson@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Granite County

Green Mountain Conservation District Office
PO Box 1329,
Trout Creek, MT 59874

gmcd@blackfoot.net Counties: Sanders County

Hill County Conservation District Office
206 25th Avenue W
Suite 1
Havre, MT 59501

406-265-6792 ext 101 emily.meyer@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Hill County

Jefferson Valley Conservation District Office
PO Box 890
USDA Building
Whitehall, MT 59759

406-287-7875 jvmh57@qwestoffice.net Counties: Jefferson County, Madison County

Judith Basin Conservation District Office
121 Central Avenue
Stanford, MT 59479

406-566-2311 ext 107 teresa.wilhelm@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Judith Basin County

Lake County Conservation District Office
64352 Hwy 93
Ronan, MT 59864

406-676-2842 ext 102 cmalgren@ronan.net Counties: Lake County

Lewis and Clark Conservation District Office
790 Colleen Street
Helena, MT 59601

406-449-5000 ext 5 lccd@mt.net Counties: Lewis and Clark County

Liberty County Conservation District Office
PO Box 669,
18 Main Street
Chester, MT 59522

406-759-5778 ext 102 gail.cicon@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Liberty County

Lincoln Conservation District Office
PO Box 2170
949 US Hwy 93 N
Eureka, MT 59917

406-297-2233 lincolncd@interbel.net Counties: Lincoln County

Little Beaver Conservation District Office
PO Box 917
141 S 4th Street W
Baker, MT 59313

406-778-2217 sarafina.claeys@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Fallon County

Lower Musselshell Conservation District Office
109 Railroad Avenue E
Roundup, MT 59072

406-323-2103 donna.pedrazzi@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Golden Valley County, Musselshell County

Madison Conservation District Office
PO Box 606
222 Main Street
Ennis, MT 59729

406-682-7289 sunni@madisoncd.org Counties: Madison County

McCone Conservation District Office
PO Box 276
106 10th Street
Circle, MT 59215

406-485-2744 ext 100 mcconecd@macdnet.org Counties: McCone County

Meagher County Conservation District Office
PO Box 589
White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645

406-547-3633 ext 5 meaghercocd@itstriangle.com Counties: Meagher County

Mile High Conservation District Office
PO Box 890
USDA Building
Whitehall, MT 59759

406-287-7875 jvmh57@qwestoffice.net Counties: Butte-Silver Bow County

Mineral County Conservation District Office
PO Box 174
Superior, MT 59872

406-822-3452 mccd54@icloud.com Counties: Mineral County

Missoula Conservation District Office
3550 Mullan Road
Suite 106
Missoula, MT 59808

406-829-3395ext101 missoulacd@macdnet.org Counties: Missoula County

North Powell Conservation District Office
1002 Hollenback Road
Suite C
Deer Lodge, MT 59722

406-846-7103 ext 100 susie.johnson@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Powell County

Park Conservation District Office
5242 Hwy 89 S
Livingston, MT 59047

406-222-2899 ext 111 jessica.anderson@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Park County

Petroleum County Conservation District Office
PO Box 118
Winnett, MT 59087

406-429-6646 ext 4 petroleumcd@midrivers.com Counties: Petroleum County

Phillips Conservation District Office
1120 Hwy 191 S
Suite 2
Malta, MT 59538

406-654-1334 ext 101 jenifer.anderson@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Phillips County

Pondera County Conservation District Office
406 N Main
Conrad, MT 59425

406-278-7611 ext 101 ponderacd@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Pondera County

Powder River Conservation District Office
PO Box 180
114 North Lincoln
Broadus, MT 59317

406-436-2321 ext 111 elizbeth.riter@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Powder River County

Prairie County Conservation District Office
PO Box 622
410 East Spring
Terry, MT 59349

406-635-5381 ext 101 sandra.brown@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Prairie County

Richland County Conservation District Office
2745 West Holly Street
Sidney, MT 59270

406-433-2103 ext 3001 julie.goss@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Richland County

Roosevelt County Conservation District Office
PO Box 517
508 Sixth Street E
Culbertson, MT 59218

406-787-5232 ext 101 rccd17@gmail.com Counties: Roosevelt County

Rosebud Conservation District Office
PO Box 1200
270 S Prospect Street
Forsyth, MT 59327

406-346-7333 ext 101 bobbie.vannattan@mt.usda.gov Counties: Rosebud County

Ruby Valley Conservation District Office
PO Box 295
402 S Main
Sheridan, MT 59749

406-842-5741 rvcd@3rivers.net Counties: Madison County

Sheridan County Conservation District Office
119 N Jackson
Plentywood, MT 59254

406-765-1801 ext 100 sheridancd@macdnet.org Counties: Sheridan County

Stillwater Conservation District Office
PO Box 48
334 N 9th Street
Columbus, MT 59019

406-322-5359 ext 101 tanya.lester@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Stillwater County

Sweet Grass County Conservation District Office
PO Box 749
USDA Building
225 Big Timber Loop Road
Big Timber, MT 59011

406-932-5160 ext 3 guelda.halverson@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Sweet Grass County

Teton County Conservation District Office
1102 Main Avenue N
Choteau, MT 59422

406-466-5722 ext 103 tetoncd@yahoo.com Counties: Teton County

Toole County Conservation District Office
1125 Oildfield Avenue
Shelby, MT 59474

406-434-5234 ext 113 toolecountycd@gmail.com Counties: Toole County

Treasure County Conservation District Office
PO Box 288
211 Elliott Street
Hysham, MT 59038

406-342-5466 ext 100 angela.stahl@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Treasure County

Upper Musselshell Conservation District Office
PO Box 201
809 Second NW
Harlowton, MT 59036

406-632-5534 ext 101 cheryl.miller@mt.nacdnet.org Counties: Wheatland County

Valley County Conservation District Office
54062 US Hwy 2 W
Suite 2
Glasgow, MT 59230

406-228-4321 ext 101 vccdmt20@gmail.com Counties: Valley County

Wibaux Conservation District Office
502 2nd Avenue NW
Wibaux, MT 59353

406-796-2211 ext 106 renee.nelson@mt.nacdnet.net Counties: Wibaux County

Yellowstone Conservation District Office
1371 Rimtop Drive
Billings, MT 59105

406-247-4420 livie@mt.gov Counties: Yellowstone County

Anaconda Unit DNRC Office

406-563-6078 Conservation Districts: Deer Lodge Valley CD Counties: Deer Lodge County

Anaconda Weed District
800 Main St, Anaconda, MT 59711

406-563-4055 mmarker@adlc.us Conservation Districts: Deer Lodge Valley CD Counties: Powell County

Avalanche Irrigation District
At this point we don't have information on how to contact Avalanche Irrigation District. If you have this info, please send it to kate@macdnet.org. Thank you!

Conservation Districts: Lewis and Clark CD, Broadwater CD Counties: Lewis and Clark County, Broadwater County

Badland Grazing District Office
PO Box 422
Glasgow, MT 59320

406-228-2961 grazingoffice@yahoo.com Conservation Districts: Valley County CD Counties: Valley County

Beaverhead County FSA
420 Barrett Street, Dillon, MT 59725

406-683-3830 Conservation Districts: Beaverhead CD Counties: Beaverhead County

Beaverhead County MSU Extension Office
2 South Pacific
Dillon, MT 59725

406-683-3785 jacqueline.sutton@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Beaverhead CD Counties: Beaverhead County

Beaverhead County Weed District
2 S Pacific Street
Dillon, MT 59725

406-683-3790 jeddie@beaverheadcounty.org Conservation Districts: Beaverhead CD Counties: Beaverhead County

Beaverhead NRCS Office
420 Barrett Street
Dillon, MT 59725

406-683-3803 kyle.tackett@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Beaverhead CD Counties: Beaverhead County

Beaverhead River Watershed Committee Office
420 Barrett St
Dillon, MT 59725

406-683-3802 beaverheadwatershed@gmail.com Conservation Districts: Beaverhead CD Counties: Beaverhead County

Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge
922 Bootlegger Trail, Great Falls, MT 59404

(406) 727-7400 Conservation Districts: Cascade County CD Counties: Cascade County

Big Flat Irrigation District
At this point we don't have information on how to contact Big Flat Irrigation District. If you have this info, please send it to kate@macdnet.org. Thank you!

Conservation Districts: Missoula CD Counties: Missoula County

Big Horn County FSA
724 Third Street W, Hardin, MT 59034

406-665-3442 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Big Horn CD Counties: Big Horn County

Big Horn County MSU Extension Office
317 N Custer
Hardin, MT 59034

406-665-9770 molly.hammond@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Big Horn CD Counties: Big Horn County

Big Horn County Weed District
107 E 8th Street, Hardin, MT 59034

406-208-7657 splusd96@gmail.com Conservation Districts: Big Horn CD Counties: Big Horn County

Big Horn Irrigation District
Hardin, MT 59034

406-665-3758 Conservation Districts: Big Horn CD Counties: Big Horn County

Big Horn NRCS Office
724 3rd Street W
Hardin, MT 59034

406-665-3442 ext 102 seanna.torske@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Big Horn CD Counties: Big Horn County

Big Sandy NRCS Office
PO Box 218
200 1st Street N
Big Sandy, MT 59520

406-378-2298 Conservation Districts: Big Sandy CD Counties: Chouteau County

Billings BLM Field Office
5001 Southgate Drive
Billings, MT 59101

406-896-5013 Conservation Districts: Yellowstone CD, Big Horn CD, Carbon CD, Sweet Grass County CD, Stillwater CD, Upper Musselshell CD, Lower Musselshell CD Counties: Yellowstone County, Big Horn County, Carbon County, Sweet Grass County, Stillwater County, Wheatland County, Golden Valley County, Musselshell County

Billings Regional Office
Billings, MT 59105


Bitterroot Irrigation District
John Crowley, Manager
1182 Lazy J. Lane, Corvallis, MT 59828

406-961-1182 Conservation Districts: Bitterroot CD Counties: Ravalli County

Bitterroot NRCS Office
1709 N 1st Street
Hamilton, MT 59840

406-363-5010 ext 109 matthew.whithed@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Bitterroot CD Counties: Ravalli County

Blaine County FSA
PO Box 307, 228 Ohio, Chinook, MT 59523

406-357-2320 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Blaine County CD Counties: Blaine County

Blaine County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 519
Chinook, MT 59523

406-357-3200 ben.hauptman@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Blaine County CD Counties: Blaine County

Blaine County NRCS Office
PO Box 189
228 Ohio Street
Chinook, MT 59523

406-357-2320ext117 daniel.pratt@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Blaine County CD Counties: Blaine County

Blaine County Weed District
412 4th Street W, Chinook, MT 59523

406-357-2340 clehnert@blainecounty-mt.gov Conservation Districts: Blaine County CD Counties: Blaine County

Board of Oil and Gas
Billings MT 59102-4652


Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge
194 Bowdoin Auto Tour Road, Malta, MT 59538

(406) 654-2863 Conservation Districts: Phillips CD Counties: Phillips County

Broadwater County MSU Extension Office
517 Broadway
Townsend, MT 59644-1003

406-266-9242 allison.kosto@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Broadwater CD Counties: Broadwater County

Broadwater County Weed District
515 Broadway, Townsend, MT 59644

406-266-9243 brweed@co.broadwater.mt.us Conservation Districts: Broadwater CD Counties: Broadwater County

Broadwater FSA
415 S Front Street, Townsend, MT 59644

406-266-4253 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Broadwater CD Counties: Broadwater County

Broadwater NRCS Office
415 S Front Street
Townsend, MT 59644

406-266-3146 ext 103 justin.meissner@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Broadwater CD Counties: Broadwater County

Buffalo Creek Grazing District
Vicki Dunaway
1250 15th Street West, Suit 202, Billings, MT 59102

406-256-8060 vwdunaway@hotmail.com Conservation Districts: Yellowstone CD Counties: Yellowstone County

Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District
Ray Strasheim, Project Manger
12 Hwy 253, Terry, MT 59349

406-635-5586 Conservation Districts: Prairie County CD Counties: Prairie County

Buggy Creek Grazing District
Diane Dirkson
PO Box 422,
Glasgow, MT 59320

406-228-2961 grazingoffice@yahoo.com Conservation Districts: Valley County CD Counties: Valley County

Butte Field Office
106 North Parkmont, Butte, MT 59701

406-533-7600 Conservation Districts: Bitterroot CD, Granite CD, Deer Lodge Valley CD, Mile High CD, Jefferson Valley CD, Broadwater CD Counties: Ravalli County, Granite County, Deer Lodge County, Butte-Silver Bow County, Jefferson County, Broadwater County

Butte-Silver Bow County MSU Extension Office
Suite 303
305 West Mercury St
Butte MT 59701

406-723-0217 silverbow@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Mile High CD Counties: Butte-Silver Bow County

Butte-Silver Bow County Weed District
25 West Front St, Butte, MT 59701

406-497-6460 weeds@bsb.mt.gov Conservation Districts: Mile High CD Counties: Butte-Silver Bow County

C & B Grazing District
Rebecca McCabe
890 HWY 323, Ekalaka, MT 59324

406-775-6612 jbmmccabe@midrivers.com Conservation Districts: Carter County CD Counties: Carter County

Carbon County FSA
606 W Front Avenue, Joliet, MT 59041

406-962-3300 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Carbon CD Counties: Carbon County

Carbon County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 230
Joliet, MT 59041

406-962-3522 nikkie.bailey@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Carbon CD Counties: Carbon County

Carbon County Weed District
30 Monahan Road, Joliet, MT 59041

406-962-3967 bostwald@co.carbon.mt.us Conservation Districts: Carbon CD Counties: Carbon County

Carbon NRCS Office
PO Box 510
606 W Front Street
Joliet, MT 59041

406-962-3641ext101 krist.walstad@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Carbon CD Counties: Carbon County

Carter County FSA
308 S Mormon Ave, Ekalaka, MT 59324

406-775-6359 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Carter County CD Counties: Carter County

Carter County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 850
Baker, MT 59313

406-778-7110 elin.kittlemann@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Carter County CD Counties: Carter County

Carter County NRCS Office
PO Box 313
308 Mormon Street
Ekalaka, MT 59324

406-775-6355 ext 105 rebecca.wolenetz@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Carter County CD Counties: Carter County

Carter County Weed District
PO Box 315, Ekalaka, MT 59324

406-775-6278 weedist@midrivers.com Conservation Districts: Carter County CD Counties: Carter County

Cascade County FSA
12 Third Street NW, Great Falls, MT 59403

406-727-7580 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Cascade County CD Counties: Cascade County

Cascade County MSU Extension Office
3300 3rd St NE #9
Great Falls, MT 59404

406-454-6980ext305 rose.malisani@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Cascade County CD Counties: Cascade County

Cascade County NRCS Office
12 3rd Street NW
Suite 300
Great Falls, MT 59404

406-727-7580 ext 124 matthew.crampton@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Cascade County CD Counties: Cascade County

Cascade County Weed District
279 Vaughn S Frontage Rd, Great Falls, Mt 59404

406-454-6920 jblystone@cascadecountymt.gov Conservation Districts: Cascade County CD Counties: Cascade County

Chain Buttes Grazing District
Lee Iverson
P.O. Box 151
Winnett, MT 59087

406-429-2461 iverson@midrivers.com Conservation Districts: Petroleum County CD Counties: Petroleum County

Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge
333 Airport Road Lewistown, MT 59457

(406) 538-8706 Conservation Districts: Fergus CD Counties: Fergus County

Chouteau County FSA
1210 25th Street, Fort Benton, MT 59442

406-622-5401 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Chouteau County CD, Big Sandy CD Counties: Chouteau County

Chouteau County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 459
Fort Benton, MT 59442

406-622-3751 tyler.lane@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Chouteau County CD, Big Sandy CD Counties: Chouteau County

Chouteau County NRCS Office
PO Box 309
1210 25th Street
Fort Benton, MT 59442

406-622-5627 ext 115 bob.nansel@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Chouteau County CD Counties: Chouteau County

Chouteau County Weed District
Po Box 459, Fort Benton, MT 59442

406-622-5824 daddyo@fortbenton.com Conservation Districts: Chouteau County CD, Big Sandy CD Counties: Chouteau County

Clinton Irrigation District
Clinton, MT 59825

Conservation Districts: Missoula CD Counties: Missoula County

Crooked Creek Grazing District
Carol Sluggett
15182 Valentine Road, Roy, MT 59471

406-464-5491 Conservation Districts: Petroleum County CD, Fergus CD Counties: Petroleum County, Fergus County

Custer County FSA
3120 Valley Dr East, Miles City, MT 59301

406-232-7905 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Custer County CD Counties: Custer County

Custer County MSU Extension Office
1010 Main
Miles City, MT 59301

406-874-3370 acxms@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Custer County CD Counties: Custer County

Custer County NRCS Office
3120 Valley Drive E
Miles City, MT 59301

406-232-7905 ext 111 rusty.irion@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Custer County CD Counties: Custer County

Custer County Weed District
1010 Main Street - Courthouse, Miles City, MT 59301

406-874-3370 b.hould@co.custer.mt.us Conservation Districts: Custer County CD Counties: Custer County

Custer Gallatin USFS Office
PO Box 130
10 East Babcock Avenue
Bozeman, MT 59771

406-587-6701 Conservation Districts: Madison CD, Gallatin CD, Park CD, Meagher County CD, Park CD, Sweet Grass County CD, Stillwater CD, Carbon CD, Rosebud CD, Powder River CD, Carter County CD Counties: Madison County, Gallatin County, Park County, Meagher County, Park County, Sweet Grass County, Stillwater County, Carbon County, Rosebud County, Powder River County, Carter County

Daniels County FSA
131 Hwy 5 E Scobey, MT 59263

406-487-5366 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Daniels County CD Counties: Daniels County

Daniels County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 187
Scobey, MT 59263

406-487-2861 bobbie.roos@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Daniels County CD Counties: Daniels County

Daniels County NRCS Office
PO Box 605
131B MT Hwy 5 E
Scobey, MT 59263

406-487-5366 ext 104 andrew.johnsrud@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Daniels County CD Counties: Daniels County

Daniels County Weed District
PO Box 187, 106 Railroad Ave E, Scobey, MT 59263

406-487-2861 cwittak@yahoo.com Conservation Districts: Daniels County CD Counties: Daniels County

Dawson County FSA
102 Fir Street, Glendive, MT 59330

406-377-5566 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Dawson County CD Counties: Dawson County

Dawson County MSU Extension Office
207 W Bell
Glendive, MT 59330

406-377-4277 dawextn@midrivers.com Conservation Districts: Dawson County CD Counties: Dawson County

Dawson County NRCS Office
102 Fir Street
Glendive, MT 59330

406-377-5566 ext 114 linda.peterson-lohse@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Dawson County CD Counties: Dawson County

Dawson County Weed District
207 W Bell, Glendive, MT 59330

406-377-6546 sharbono@dawsoncountymontana.com Conservation Districts: Dawson County CD Counties: Dawson County

Deer Lodge FSA
1002 Hollenbeck Road, Deer Lodge, MT 59722

406-846-2337 ext 2 Conservation Districts: North Powell CD, Deer Lodge Valley CD, Granite CD Counties: Powell County, Deer Lodge County, Granite County

Deer Lodge Valley NRCS Office
1002 Hollenback Road
Suite C
Deer Lodge, MT 59722

406-846-1703 ext 108 glen.green@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Deer Lodge Valley CD Counties: Powell County

Devil’s Basin Grazing District

Conservation Districts: Lower Musselshell CD Counties: Wheatland County, Golden Valley County

Dillon BLM Field Office
1005 Selway Dr, Dillon MT 59725

406-683-8000 Conservation Districts: Beaverhead CD, Ruby Valley CD, Madison CD, Park CD, Gallatin CD Counties: Beaverhead County, Madison County, Gallatin County, Park County

DNRC Bozeman Regional Office
Bozeman MT 59715-7249


DNRC Bozeman Unit Office
Bozeman MT 59715-7249

406-586-5243 Conservation Districts: Gallatin CD Counties: Gallatin County

DNRC Conrad Field Office
Conrad MT 59425-2532

406-278-7077 Conservation Districts: Pondera County CD Counties: Pondera County

DNRC Dillon Dispatch Office
Dillon, MT 59725

406-683-3994 Conservation Districts: Beaverhead CD Counties: Beaverhead County

DNRC Dillon Unit Office
Dillon, MT 59725

406-683-6305 Conservation Districts: Beaverhead CD Counties: Beaverhead County

East Bench Irrigation District
Dennis Miotke, Manager
1200 MT Hwy 41 Dillon, MT 59725

406-683-2307 Conservation Districts: Beaverhead CD, Ruby Valley CD Counties: Beaverhead County, Madison County

East Custer Grazing District
Junita Drange
880 Road 431, Ismay, MT 59336

406-772-5744 drange@wildblue.net Conservation Districts: Custer County CD Counties: Custer County

Fallon County FSA
141 S 4th St West, Baker, MT 59313

406-778-2238 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Little Beaver CD Counties: Fallon County

Fallon County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 850
Baker, MT 59313

406-775-8721 falloncarter1@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Little Beaver CD Counties: Fallon County

Fallon County Weed District
PO Box 850, Baker, MT 59313

406-778-7110 fallonweed@midrivers.com Conservation Districts: Little Beaver CD Counties: Fallon County

Fergus County MSU Extension Office
712 W Main
Lewiston, MT 59457-2652

406-535-3919 Conservation Districts: Fergus CD Counties: Fergus County

Fergus County Weed District
PO Box 878, 185 Armory Rd, Lewiston, MT 59457

406-535-3970 fcweeds@co.fergus.mt.us Conservation Districts: Fergus CD Counties: Fergus County

Fergus NRCS Office
211 McKinley Street
Suite 3
Lewistown, MT 59457

406-538-7401 ext 116 lorna.philp@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Fergus CD Counties: Fergus County

Flathead County MSU Extension Office
1108 S Main
Suite 4
Kalispell, MT 59901-5400

406-758-5553 pmcglynn@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Flathead CD Counties: Flathead County

Flathead County Weed District
309 FFA Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901

406-758-5798 jedfisher@flathead.mt.gov Conservation Districts: Flathead CD Counties: Flathead County

Flathead Irrigation District
524 N Main Street, Saint Ignatius, MT 59865

406-745-2090 Conservation Districts: Lake County CD Counties: Lake County

Flathead NRCS Office
133 Interstate Lane
Kalispell, MT 59901

406-752-4242 ext 104 angel.rosario@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Flathead CD Counties: Flathead County

Flatwillow Creek Grazing District
John Algren
PO Box 56, Grass Range, MT 59032

406-428-2143 Conservation Districts: Fergus CD Counties: Fergus County

Forsyth FSA
270 S Prospect Street, Forsyth, MT 59327

406-346-7333 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Rosebud CD, Treasure County CD Counties: Rosebud County, Treasure County

Fort Pease Grazing District

Conservation Districts: Yellowstone CD, Treasure County CD Counties: Yellowstone County, Treasure County

Fort Shaw Irrigation District
5 N Fort Shaw Road, Fort Shaw, MT 59443

406-264-5751 Conservation Districts: Cascade County CD Counties: Cascade County

Frenchtown Irrigation District
Frenchtown, MT 59834

406-626-4483 Conservation Districts: Missoula CD Counties: Missoula County

Froze to Death Grazing District
Shirley Pfaffinger
PO Box 266, Forsyth, MT 59327

406-342-5477 shirleypfaff@rangeweb.net Conservation Districts: Rosebud CD, Treasure County CD Counties: Rosebud County, Treasure County

FWP Butte Area Resource Office
1820 Meadowlark Lane, Butte, MT 59701

406-494-1953 Conservation Districts: Mile High CD Counties: Butte-Silver Bow County

FWP Havre Area Resource Office
2165 Hwy 2 East, Havre, MT 59501

406-265-6177 fwphao2@mt.gov Conservation Districts: Hill County CD Counties: Hill County

FWP Lewistown Area Resource Office
215 W Aztec Drive, PO Box 938, Lewistown, MT 59457

406-538-4658 Conservation Districts: Fergus CD Counties: Fergus County

FWP Region 2 Office
3201 Spurgin Road
Missoula, MT 59804

406-542-5500 fwprg22@mt.gov Conservation Districts: Mineral County CD, Missoula CD, North Powell CD, Bitterroot CD, Granite CD, Deer Lodge Valley CD, Mile High CD, Lewis and Clark CD Counties: Mineral County, Missoula County, Powell County, Lewis and Clark County, Ravalli County, Granite County, Deer Lodge County, Butte-Silver Bow County

FWP Region 3 Office
1400 South 19th, Bozeman, MT 59718

406-994-4042 fwprg3@mt.gov Conservation Districts: Beaverhead CD, Deer Lodge Valley CD, Mile High CD, Jefferson Valley CD, Broadwater CD, Ruby Valley CD, Madison CD, Gallatin CD, Park CD, Carbon CD, Lewis and Clark CD, Meagher County CD Counties: Beaverhead County, Deer Lodge County, Butte-Silver Bow County, Lewis and Clark County, Jefferson County, Broadwater County, Madison County, Gallatin County, Park County, Carbon County, Meagher County

FWP Region 4 Office
4600 Giant Springs Road, Great Falls, MT 59405

406-454-5840 fwprg42@mt.gov Conservation Districts: Flathead CD, Glacier County CD, Toole County CD, Liberty County CD, Pondera County CD, Chouteau County CD, Teton County CD, Lewis and Clark CD, Cascade County CD, Judith Basin CD, Fergus CD, Petroleum County CD, Meagher County CD Counties: Flathead County, Glacier County, Toole County, Liberty County, Pondera County, Chouteau County, Teton County, Lewis and Clark County, Cascade County, Judith Basin County, Fergus County, Petroleum County, Meagher County

FWP Region 5 Office
2300 Lake Elmo Drive, Billings, MT 59105

406-247-2940 fwprg52@mt.gov Conservation Districts: Meagher County CD, Park CD, Upper Musselshell CD, Petroleum County CD, Lower Musselshell CD, Sweet Grass County CD, Stillwater CD, Yellowstone CD, Carbon CD, Big Horn CD, Fergus CD Counties: Meagher County, Park County, Wheatland County, Golden Valley County, Musselshell County, Sweet Grass County, Stillwater County, Carbon County, Yellowstone County, Big Horn County, Fergus County

FWP Region 6 Office
1 Airport Rd, Glasgow, MT 59230

406-228-3700 fwprg62@mt.gov Conservation Districts: Hill County CD, Big Sandy CD, Blaine County CD, Phillips CD, Valley County CD, Daniels County CD, Sheridan County CD, Roosevelt County CD, McCone CD, Dawson County CD, Richland County CD Counties: Hill County, Chouteau County, Blaine County, Phillips County, Valley County, Daniels County, Sheridan County, Roosevelt County, McCone County, Dawson County, Richland County

FWP Region 7 Office
352 I-94 Business Loop, Miles City, MT 59301

406-234-0900 fwprg72@mt.gov Conservation Districts: Garfield County CD, McCone CD, Dawson County CD, Richland County CD, Prairie County CD, Wibaux CD, Yellowstone CD, Treasure County CD, Rosebud CD, Custer County CD, Little Beaver CD, Big Horn CD, Powder River CD, Carter County CD Counties: Garfield County, Dawson County, Richland County, Prairie County, Wibaux County, Treasure County, Rosebud County, Custer County, Fallon County, Big Horn County, Powder River County, Carter County

Gallatin County FSA
3710 Fallon St, Bozeman, MT 59718

406-522-4000 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Gallatin CD Counties: Gallatin County

Gallatin County MSU Extension Office
903 N Black
Bozeman, MT 59715

406-582-3280 emily.lockard@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Gallatin CD Counties: Gallatin County

Gallatin County Weed District
901 N Black, Bozeman, MT 59715

406-582-3265 john.ansley@gallatin.mt.gov Conservation Districts: Gallatin CD Counties: Gallatin County

Gallatin NRCS Office
3710 Fallon Street, Suite B, Bozeman, MT 59718

406-522-4012 christopher.mahony@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Gallatin CD Counties: Gallatin County

Garfield County FSA
307 Main Street, Jordan, MT 59337

406-557-2740 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Garfield County CD Counties: Garfield County

Garfield County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 81
County Court House
352 Leavitt Ave
Jordan, MT 59337

406-557-2770 emiller@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Garfield County CD Counties: Garfield County

Garfield County NRCS Office
PO Box 369
307 Main Street
Jordan, MT 59337

406-557-2740 ext 105 sue.fitzgerald@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Garfield County CD Counties: Garfield County

Garfield County Weed District
PO Box 81
County Court House
352 Leavitt Ave
Jordan, MT 59337

406-557-2770 emiller@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Garfield County CD Counties: Garfield County

Glacier County FSA
#1 Third Street NE, Cut Bank, MT 59427

406-873-5618 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Glacier County CD Counties: Glacier County

Glacier County MSU Extension Office
1210 E Main Street
Cut Bank, MT 59427-3152

406-873-2239 kari.lewis@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Glacier County CD Counties: Glacier County

Glacier County NRCS Office
1 3rd Street NE
Cut Bank, MT 59427

406-873-4249 ext 111 eric.watson@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Glacier County CD Counties: Glacier County

Glacier County Weed District
512 E Main, Cut Bank, MT 59427

406-450-2220 gcrd38@gmail.com Conservation Districts: Glacier County CD Counties: Glacier County

Glasgow BLM Field Office
5 Lasar Drive, Glasgow, MT 59230

406-228-3750 Conservation Districts: Valley County CD, Daniels County CD, Sheridan County CD, Roosevelt County CD, McCone CD, Richland County CD, Dawson County CD Counties: Valley County, Daniels County, Sheridan County, Roosevelt County, McCone County, Richland County, Dawson County

Glasgow Irrigation District Office
Glasgow, MT 59230

406-228-2346 Conservation Districts: Valley County CD Counties: Valley County

Glen Lake Irrigation District
PO Box 297, Eureka, MT 59917

406-297-2260 Conservation Districts: Lincoln CD Counties: Lincoln County

Golden Valley & Musselshell Counties Weed District
204 8th Ave East, Roundup, MT 59072

406-557-2770 merielbeck@yahoo.com Conservation Districts: Lower Musselshell CD Counties: Golden Valley County, Musselshell County

Golden Valley County MSU Extension Office
204 8th Ave East
Roundup, MT 59072

406-323-2704 m.petersonwalter@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Lower Musselshell CD Counties: Golden Valley County

Golden Valley FSA
PO Box 5, 201 1st Street N, Ryegate, MT 59074

406-568-2221 ext 100 Conservation Districts: Lower Musselshell CD Counties: Golden Valley County

Granite County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 665
220 N Sansome Street
Phillipsburg, MT 59858

406-859-3304 Conservation Districts: Granite CD Counties: Granite County

Granite County Weed District
PO Box 665, 220 N Sansome Street, Phillipsburg, MT 59858

406-859-3304 Conservation Districts: Granite CD Counties: Granite County

Granite NRCS Office
PO Box 926
105 S Holland
Philipsburg, MT 59858

406-859-3291 ext 103 bret.bledsoe@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Granite CD Counties: Granite County

Grass Range Grazing District
John Algren
PO Box 56, Grass Range, MT 59032

406-428-2143 Conservation Districts: Petroleum County CD, Fergus CD Counties: Petroleum County, Fergus County

Greenfields Irrigation District
PO Box 157, Fairfield, MT 59436

406-467-2533 Conservation Districts: Cascade County CD, Teton County CD, Lewis and Clark CD Counties: Cascade County, Teton County, Lewis and Clark County

Harlem Irrigation District
Chinook, MT 59523

Conservation Districts: Blaine County CD Counties: Blaine County

Havre BLM Field Office
3990 Hwy 2 West, Havre, MT 59501

406-262-2820 Conservation Districts: Glacier County CD, Toole County CD, Liberty County CD, Hill County CD, Pondera County CD, Teton County CD, Chouteau County CD, Big Sandy CD Counties: Glacier County, Toole County, Liberty County, Hill County, Pondera County, Teton County, Chouteau County

Helena Area Resource Office
930 Custer Avenue W, Helena, MT 59620

406-495-3260 Conservation Districts: Lewis and Clark CD, Jefferson Valley CD, Broadwater CD Counties: Lewis and Clark County, Jefferson County, Broadwater County

Helena Valley Irrigation District
3840 N Montana Avenue, Helena, MT 59602

406-442-3292 Conservation Districts: Lewis and Clark CD Counties: Lewis and Clark County

Hill County FSA
206 25th Ave West, Havre, MT 59501

406-265-6792 ext2 Conservation Districts: Hill County CD Counties: Hill County

Hill County MSU Extension Office
315 Fourth Street
Havre, MT 59501

406-265-5481ext233 ngray@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Hill County CD Counties: Hill County

Hill County NRCS Office
206 25th Avenue W
Suite 1
Havre, MT 59501

406-265-6792ext117 Conservation Districts: Hill County CD Counties: Hill County

Hill County Weed District
1405 W 2nd St W, Havre, MT 59501

406-265-4453 hillcountyweed@gmail.com Conservation Districts: Hill County CD Counties: Hill County

Huntley Project Irrigation District
2291 2nd Street, W. Ballatine, MT 59006

406-967-3400 Conservation Districts: Yellowstone CD Counties: Yellowstone County

Hysham Irrigation District
Hysham, MT 59038

Conservation Districts: Treasure County CD Counties: Treasure County

Indian Butte Grazing District
Cathy Whitney
73530 Hwy 191 N, Roy, MT 59471

406-464-2296 Conservation Districts: Petroleum County CD, Fergus CD Counties: Petroleum County, Fergus County

Jefferson & Madison County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 1079
Whitehall, MT 59759

406-287-3282 william.whitehurst@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Jefferson Valley CD, Madison CD, Ruby Valley CD Counties: Jefferson County, Madison County

Jefferson County Weed District
PO Box H, Boulder, MT 59632

406-225-4165 jallen@jeffersoncounty-mt.gov Conservation Districts: Jefferson Valley CD Counties: Jefferson County

Jefferson Valley NRCS Office
3 Whitetail Road
Whitehall, MT 59759

406-287-3215 ext 301 nancy.sweeney@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Jefferson Valley CD Counties: Jefferson County

Jocko Irrigation District
At this point we don't have information on how to contact Jocko Irrigation District. If you have this info, please send it to kate@macdnet.org. Thank you!

Conservation Districts: Lake County CD Counties: Lake County

Judith Basin County FSA
121 Central Avenue, Stanford, MT 59479

406-566-2218 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Judith Basin CD Counties: Judith Basin County

Judith Basin County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 427
Stanford, MT 59479

406-566-2277ext104 katherine.hatelid@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Judith Basin CD Counties: Judith Basin County

Judith Basin County Weed District
PO Box 503, 209 Central Ave E, Stanford, MT 59479

406-566-2241 jbcordwd@itstriangle.com Conservation Districts: Judith Basin CD Counties: Judith Basin County

Judith Basin NRCS Office
121 Central Avenue
Stanford, MT 59479

406-429-6646 patricia.creamer@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Judith Basin CD Counties: Judith Basin County

Kalispell FSA
133 Interstate Lane, Kalispell, MT 59901

406-752-4242 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Lincoln CD, Flathead CD Counties: Lincoln County, Flathead County

Kilby Butte Grazing District

Conservation Districts: Lower Musselshell CD, Upper Musselshell CD Counties: Musselshell County

Lake County FSA
64352 US-93, Ronan, MT 59864

406-676-2811 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Lake County CD Counties: Lake County

Lake County MSU Extension Office
300 3rd Ave NW
Ronan, MT 59864-2328

406-676-4271 jstivers@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Lake County CD Counties: Lake County

Lake County NRCS Office
64352 Hwy 93
Ronan, MT 59864

406-676-2841 ext 111 ben.montgomery@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Lake County CD Counties: Lake County

Lake County Weed District
PO Box 670, Pablo, MT 59855

406-883-7330 tbenson@lakemt.gov Conservation Districts: Lake County CD Counties: Lake County

Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge
4567 Wildfowl Lane, Stevensville, MT 59870

(406) 777-5552 Conservation Districts: Bitterroot CD Counties: Ravalli County

Lewis & Clark County FSA
790 Colleen Street, Helena, MT 59601

406-449-5277 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Lewis and Clark CD Counties: Lewis and Clark County

Lewis and Clark County MSU Extension Office
100 W Custer Ave
Helena, MT 59602

406-447-8346 bsarchet@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Lewis and Clark CD Counties: Lewis and Clark County

Lewis and Clark County Weed District
3402 Cooney Driver, Helena, MT 59602

406-447-8372 lhoffman@lccountymt.gov Conservation Districts: Lewis and Clark CD Counties: Lewis and Clark County

Lewis and Clark NRCS Office
790 Colleen Street
Helena, MT 59601

406-449-5000 ext 3 jonathan.george@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Lewis and Clark CD Counties: Lewis and Clark County

Lewistown BLM Field Office
920 Northeast Main, Lewistown, MT 59457

406-538-1900 Conservation Districts: Lewis and Clark CD, Cascade County CD, Meagher County CD, Judith Basin CD, Fergus CD, Petroleum County CD Counties: Lewis and Clark County, Cascade County, Meagher County, Judith Basin County, Fergus County, Petroleum County

Liberty County
PO Box 669
18 Main Street
Chester, MT 59522

406-759-5778 ext 110 dawn.wickum@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Liberty County CD Counties: Liberty County

Liberty County FSA
18 Main Street, Chester, MT 59522

406-759-5128 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Liberty County CD Counties: Liberty County

Liberty County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 607
111 First Street East
Chester, MT 59522-0607

406-759-5625 jlf@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Liberty County CD Counties: Liberty County

Liberty County Weed District
PO Box 451, 1356 3360 Road South, Chester, MT 59522

406-759-5673 weedguy@co.liberty.mt.gov Conservation Districts: Liberty County CD Counties: Liberty County

Lincoln County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 1140
Eureka, MT 59917

406-296-9019 svea.jorgensen@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Lincoln CD Counties: Lincoln County

Lincoln County Weed District
418 Mineral Ave, Libby, MT 59923

406-283-2420 lcweed@libby.org Conservation Districts: Lincoln CD Counties: Lincoln County

Lincoln NRCS Office
949 US Hwy 93 N
Eureka, MT 59917

406-296-7152 kirk.sullivan@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Lincoln CD Counties: Lincoln County

Little Beaver NRCS Office
PO Box 917
141 S 4th Street W
Baker, MT 59313

406-778-2238 ext 109 ann.fischer@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Little Beaver CD Counties: Fallon County

Lockwood Irrigation District
Billings, MT 59103

406-671-4633 Conservation Districts: Yellowstone CD Counties: Yellowstone County

Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group

208-304-3852 brita@lcfwg.org Conservation Districts: Green Mountain CD, Eastern Sanders County CD Counties: Sanders County

Lower Musselshell NRCS Office
109 Railroad Avenue E
Roundup, MT 59072

406-323-2103 Conservation Districts: Lower Musselshell CD Counties: Golden Valley County, Musselshell County

Madison County NRCS Office
402 S Main
Sheridan, MT 59749

406-842-5741 Conservation Districts: Ruby Valley CD, Madison CD Counties: Madison County

Madison County Weed District
PO Box 278, Virginia City, MT 59755

406-842-5595 madweed@3rivers.net Conservation Districts: Madison CD, Ruby Valley CD Counties: Madison County

Malta BLM Field Office
501 S. 2nd Street East, Malta, MT 59538

406-654-5100 Conservation Districts: Blaine County CD, Phillips CD, Garfield County CD Counties: Blaine County, Phillips County, Garfield County

Malta Irrigation District
Malta, MT 59538

Conservation Districts: Phillips CD Counties: Phillips County

McCone County FSA
106 10th St, Circle, MT 59215

406-485-2744 ext 2 Conservation Districts: McCone CD Counties: McCone County

McCone County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 200
Circle, MT 59215

406-485-2605 kennelson@montana.edu Conservation Districts: McCone CD Counties: McCone County

McCone County Weed District
PO Box 200, Circle, MT 59215

406-485-2493 redwingfarmer4@yahoo.com Conservation Districts: McCone CD Counties: McCone County

McCone NRCS Office
PO Box 276
106 10th Street
Circle, MT 59215

406-458-2660 ext 114 johnna.blankenship@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: McCone CD Counties: McCone County

Meagher County FSA
4147 US-12, White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645

406-547-3521 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Meagher County CD Counties: Meagher County

Meagher County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 309
White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645

406-547-3042 robert.sager2@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Meagher County CD Counties: Meagher County

Meagher County NRCS Office
PO Box 589
4147 US Hwy 12 W
White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645

406-547-3633 ext 101 jenny.paddock@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Meagher County CD Counties: Meagher County

Meagher County Weed District
PO Box 309, 4147 Hwy 12, White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645

406-547-2196 47weed@itstriangle.com Conservation Districts: Meagher County CD Counties: Meagher County

Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge
223 N Shore Road, Medicine Lake, MT 59247

(406) 789-2305 Conservation Districts: Sheridan County CD Counties: Sheridan County

Mile High NRCS Office
3 Whitetail Road
Whitehall, MT 59759

406-287-3215 ext 300 nancy.sweeney@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Mile High CD Counties: Butte-Silver Bow County

Miles City BLM Field Office
111 Garryowen Road, Miles City, MT 59301

406-233-2800 Conservation Districts: Treasure County CD, Rosebud CD, Prairie County CD, Wibaux CD, Custer County CD, Little Beaver CD, Powder River CD, Carter County CD Counties: Treasure County, Rosebud County, Prairie County, Wibaux County, Custer County, Fallon County, Powder River County, Carter County

Mineral County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 730
301 2nd Ave East
Superior, MT 59872

406-822-3547 or 3545 kchamberlain@montana.edu or david.brink@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Mineral County CD Counties: Mineral County

Mineral County NRCS Office
3550 Mullan Road
Suite 106
Missoula, MT 59808

406-829-3395 ext 121 john.bowe@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Mineral County CD Counties: Mineral County

Mineral County Weed District
PO Box 730, 301 2nd Ave East, Superior, MT 59872

406-822-3547 or 3545 david.brink@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Mineral County CD Counties: Mineral County

Mission Irrigation District
At this point we don't have information on how to contact Mission Irrigation District. If you have this info, please send it to kate@macdnet.org. Thank you!

Conservation Districts: Lake County CD Counties: Lake County

Missoula BLM Field Office
3255 Fort Missoula Road, Missoula, MT 59804

406-329-3721 Conservation Districts: Lincoln CD, Flathead CD, Green Mountain CD, Eastern Sanders County CD, Lake County CD, Mineral County CD, Missoula CD, North Powell CD Counties: Lincoln County, Flathead County, Sanders County, Lake County, Mineral County, Missoula County, Powell County

Missoula County MSU Extension Office
2825 Santa Fe Court
Missoula, MT 59808

406-258-4204 gerald.marks@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Missoula CD Counties: Missoula County

Missoula County Weed District
2825 Santa Fe Court, Missoula, MT 59808

406-258-4217 bryce@missoulaeduplace.org Conservation Districts: Missoula CD Counties: Missoula County

Missoula FSA
3550 Mullan Road Suite 106, Missoula, MT 59808

406-829-3395 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Mineral County CD, Missoula CD Counties: Mineral County, Missoula County

Missoula Irrigation District
PO Box 3778, Missoula, MT 59806

406-549-8236 Conservation Districts: Missoula CD Counties: Missoula County

Missoula NRCS Office
3550 Mullan Road, Suite 106, Missoula, MT 59808

406-829-3395 ext 121 john.bowe@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Missoula CD Counties: Missoula County

Missouri River Basin Grazing District
Teri Lindberg
2550 Cottonwood Creek Road, Alzada, MT 59311

406-828-4525 terijo@rangeweb.net Conservation Districts: Carter County CD Counties: Carter County

Montana Partners for Fish & Wildlife Private Lands Office
196 Lower Lake Side Ln, Ovando, MT 59854

(406) 793-7400 Conservation Districts: North Powell CD Counties: Powell County

Montana Salinity Control Association
315 S Main Street, Suite D
Conrad, MT 59425

406-278- 3071 msca@3rivers.net Conservation Districts: Blaine County CD, Big Horn CD, Big Sandy CD, Carbon CD, Cascade County CD, Chouteau County CD, Daniels County CD, Dawson County CD, Fergus CD, Garfield County CD, Glacier County CD, Hill County CD, Judith Basin CD, Lewis and Clark CD, Liberty County CD, Little Beaver CD, Lower Musselshell CD, McCone CD, Petroleum County CD, Pondera County CD, Powder River CD, Phillips CD, Richland County CD, Roosevelt County CD, Rosebud CD, Sheridan County CD, Stillwater CD, Teton County CD, Toole County CD, Treasure County CD, Upper Musselshell CD, Valley County CD, Wibaux CD, Yellowstone CD Counties: Blaine County, Big Horn County, Carbon County, Cascade County, Chouteau County, Daniels County, Dawson County, Fergus County, Garfield County, Glacier County, Golden Valley County, Hill County, Judith Basin County, Lewis and Clark County, Liberty County, Fallon County, Musselshell County, McCone County, Petroleum County, Pondera County, Powder River County, Phillips County, Richland County, Roosevelt County, Rosebud County, Sheridan County, Stillwater County, Teton County, Toole County, Treasure County, Wheatland County, Valley County, Wibaux County, Yellowstone County

Musselshell County FSA
109 Railroad Avenue E, Roundup, MT 59072

406-323-2067 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Lower Musselshell CD Counties: Musselshell County

Musselshell County MSU Extension Office
204 8th Ave East
Roundup, MT 59072

406-323-2704 m.petersonwalter@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Lower Musselshell CD Counties: Musselshell County

National Bison Range
58355 Bison Range Road, Moiese, MT 59824

(406) 644-2211 Conservation Districts: Lake County CD Counties: Lake County

North Blaine Grazing District
Cheryl Schuldt
PO Box 153, Miles City, MT 59301

406-945-0404 nbccsgd@gmail.com Conservation Districts: Blaine County CD Counties: Blaine County

North Philips Grazing District
PO Box 189, Malta, MT 59538

406-654-2732 pcgrazing@gmail.com Conservation Districts: Phillips CD Counties: Phillips County

North Powell NRCS Office
1002 Hollenback Road
Suite C
Deer Lodge, MT 59722

406-846-1703 ext 108 glen.green@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: North Powell CD Counties: Powell County

North Valley Grazing District
Diane Dirkson
PO Box 422,
Glasgow, MT 59320

406-228-2961 grazingoffice@yahoo.com Conservation Districts: Valley County CD Counties: Valley County

Park County FSA
5242 US Hwy 89 S, Livingston, MT 59047

406-222-0212 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Park CD Counties: Park County

Park County MSU Extension Office
119 South 3rd
Livingston, MT 59047

406-222-4156 tmosley@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Park CD Counties: Park County

Park County Weed District
414 E Callender St., Livingston, MT 59047

406-223-1306 clay@parkcounty.org Conservation Districts: Park CD Counties: Park County

Park NRCS Office
5242 US Hwy 89 S
Livingston, MT 59047

406-222-2899 ext 112 theodore.nelson@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Park CD Counties: Park County

Petroleum County FSA
211 McKinley Street, Lewistown, MT 59457

406-538-3489 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Petroleum County CD Counties: Fergus County, Petroleum County

Petroleum County MSU Extension Office
712 W Main
Lewiston, MT 59457-2652

406-535-3919 dpc@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Petroleum County CD Counties: Petroleum County

Petroleum County NRCS Office
PO Box 118
813 N Broadway
WInnett, MT 59087

406-429-6646 nakaya.rife@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Petroleum County CD Counties: Petroleum County

Petroleum County Weed District
PO Box 11, Winnett, MT 59087

406-429-2239 pcwd@midrivers.com Conservation Districts: Petroleum County CD Counties: Petroleum County

Phillips County FSA
1120 US Hwy 191 S, Malta, MT 59538

406-654-1333 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Phillips CD Counties: Phillips County

Phillips County MSU Extension Office
1210 E Main Street
Malta, MT 59538

406-654-2543 pcextn@itstriangle.com Conservation Districts: Phillips CD Counties: Phillips County

Phillips County Weed District
PO Box 430,
10 1/2 S 4th St., Suite 202, Malta, MT 59538

406-654-2543 weedman@mtintouch.net Conservation Districts: Phillips CD Counties: Phillips County

Phillips NRCS Office
1120 US Hwy 191 S
Suite 2
Malta, MT 59538

406-654-1334 ext 104 shilo.messerly@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Phillips CD Counties: Phillips County

Pole Creek Grazing District
Gary Eliasson
16365 Hwy 12 West, Roundup, MT 59072

406-323-1024 Conservation Districts: Upper Musselshell CD, Lower Musselshell CD Counties: Musselshell County

Pondera County FSA
406 N Main St, Conrad, MT 59425

406-278-7611 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Pondera County CD Counties: Pondera County

Pondera County MSU Extension Office
20 4th Ave SW
Conrad, MT 59425-2340

406-271-4054 Conservation Districts: Pondera County CD Counties: Pondera County

Pondera County NRCS Office
406 N Main Street
Conrad, MT 59425

406-278-7611 ext 112 stacy.eneboe@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Pondera County CD Counties: Pondera County

Pondera County Weed District
234 Airport Loop Rd, Conrad, MT 59425

406-271-5672 pocoweed@3rivers.net Conservation Districts: Pondera County CD Counties: Pondera County

Powder River County FSA
114 N Lincoln St, Broadus, MT 59317

406-436-2321 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Powder River CD Counties: Powder River County

Powder River County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 200
Broadus, MT 59317

406-436-2424 mrumph@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Powder River CD Counties: Powder River County

Powder River County Weed District
PO Box 200, 6 County Shop Road, Broadus, MT 59317

406-436-2405 jesp@prco.mt.gov Conservation Districts: Powder River CD Counties: Powder River County

Powder River NRCS Office
PO Box 180
114 N Lincoln Street
Broadus, MT 59317

406-436-2321 ext 101 carol.hilliard@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Powder River CD Counties: Powder River County

Powell County Extension
800 Main St
Anaconda, MT 59711

406-563-4035 abbie.phillip@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Deer Lodge Valley CD Counties: Powell County

Powell County MSU Extension Office
409 Missouri Ave
Suite 102
Deer Lodge, MT 59722

406-846-9791 jpauley@montana.edu Conservation Districts: North Powell CD Counties: Powell County

Powell County Weed District
409 Missouri Ave, Suite 105D, Deer Lodge, MT 59722

406-846-3348 klaitala@powellcountymt.com Conservation Districts: North Powell CD Counties: Powell County

Prairie County FSA
PO Box 277,
410 E Spring Street,
Terry, MT 59349

406-635-5791 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Prairie County CD Counties: Prairie County

Prairie County Grazing District
Sandra Brown
PO Box 622, Terry, MT 59349

406-635-5868 pcgd@midrivers.com Conservation Districts: Prairie County CD Counties: Prairie County

Prairie County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 7
217 West Park
Terry, MT 59349

406-635-2121 sackman@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Prairie County CD Counties: Prairie County

Prairie County NRCS Office
PO Box 602
410 East Spring Street
Terry, MT 59349

406-635-5381 ext 107 richard.scheetz@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Prairie County CD Counties: Prairie County

Prairie County Weed District
PO Box 7, 421 Hoagland Street, Terry, MT 59349

406-635-4433 pcweed2@midrivers.com Conservation Districts: Prairie County CD Counties: Prairie County

Ravalli County FSA
1709 N 1st St, Hamilton, MT 59840

406-363-1444 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Bitterroot CD Counties: Ravalli County

Ravalli County MSU Extension Office
215 S. 4th Street
Suite G
Hamilton, MT 59840-2853

406-375-6611 ravalli@montana.edu or patrick.mangan@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Bitterroot CD Counties: Ravalli County

Red Butte Grazing District
Shelley Mackay Dean
PO Box 81, Willard, MT 59354

406-778-2338 Conservation Districts: Little Beaver CD Counties: Fallon County

Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge
27650 South Valley Road, Lima, MT 59739

(406) 276-3536 Conservation Districts: Beaverhead CD Counties: Beaverhead County

Region 1 FWP Office
490 North Meridian Road
Kalispell, MT 59901

406-752-5501 fwprg12@mt.gov Conservation Districts: Lincoln CD, Green Mountain CD, Eastern Sanders County CD, Lake County CD, Flathead CD, Lewis and Clark CD Counties: Lincoln County, Sanders County, Lake County, Flathead County, Missoula County, Powell County, Lewis and Clark County

Richland County FSA
2745 West Holly, Sidney, MT 59270

406-433-2103 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Richland County CD Counties: Richland County

Richland County MSU Extension Office
1499 N Central Ave
Sidney, MT 59720

406-433-1206 timothy.fine@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Richland County CD Counties: Richland County

Richland County NRCS Office
2745 W Holly Street
Sidney, MT 59270

406-433-2103 ext 117 jamie.selting@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Richland County CD Counties: Richland County

Richland County Weed District
2648 West Holly, Sidney, MT 59720

406-433-9047 richweed@midrivers.com Conservation Districts: Richland County CD Counties: Richland County

Roosevelt County FSA
508 6th Street East, Culbertson, MT 59218

406-787-6262 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Roosevelt County CD Counties: Roosevelt County

Roosevelt County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 416
Culbertson, MT 59218

406-787-5312 jeffrey.chilson@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Roosevelt County CD Counties: Roosevelt County

Roosevelt County NRCS Office
PO Box 517
508 6th Street East
Culbertson, MT 59218

406-787-5232 ext 119 robert.bray@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Roosevelt County CD Counties: Roosevelt County

Roosevelt County Weed District
PO Box 416, Culbertson, MT 59218

406-787-5312 roosweed@nemont.net Conservation Districts: Roosevelt County CD Counties: Roosevelt County

Rosebud County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 65
Forsyth, MT 59327

406-346-7320 melissa.ashley@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Rosebud CD Counties: Rosebud County

Rosebud County Weed District
PO Box 962, 110 South 12th, Forsyth, MT 59327

406-346-7608 aadler@rosebudcountymt.com Conservation Districts: Rosebud CD Counties: Rosebud County

Rosebud NRCS Office
PO Box 1200
270 S Prospect Street
Forsyth, MT 59327

406-346-7333 ext 107 rocky.schwagler@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Rosebud CD Counties: Rosebud County

Sanders County FSA
7487 MT-200, Plains, MT 59859

406-826-3751 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Green Mountain CD, Eastern Sanders County CD Counties: Sanders County

Sanders County MSU Extension Office
2503 Tradwinds Way
Suite 1B
Thompson Falls, MT 59873

406-826-3487 jason.badger@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Green Mountain CD, Eastern Sanders County CD Counties: Sanders County

Sanders County Weed District
35 Airport Road, Plains, MT 59859

406-826-3487 weeddept@co.sanders.mt.us Conservation Districts: Eastern Sanders County CD, Green Mountain CD Counties: Sanders County

Sanders NRCS Office
7487 MT Hwy 200
Plains, MT 59859

406-826-3701 ext 100 don.feist@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Green Mountain CD, Eastern Sanders County CD Counties: Sanders County

Sheridan County FSA
119 N Jackson Street, Plentywood, MT 59254

406-765-1550 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Sheridan County CD Counties: Sheridan County

Sheridan County MSU Extension Office
100 W Laurel Ave
Plentywood, MT 59254-1619

406-765-3406 colleen.buck@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Sheridan County CD Counties: Sheridan County

Sheridan County NRCS Office
119 N Jackson
Plentywood, MT 59254

406-765-1801ext116 monica.friedrich@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Sheridan County CD Counties: Sheridan County

Sheridan County Weed District
100 W Laurel Ave, Plentywood, MT 59254

406-765-3415 cunderwood@co.sheridan.mt.us Conservation Districts: Sheridan County CD Counties: Sheridan County

Sidney Irrigation District
Sidney, MT 59270

Conservation Districts: Richland County CD Counties: Richland County

South Philips Grazing District
Jean Pewitt
PO Box 189, Malta, MT 59538

406-654-2732 pcgrazing@gmail.com Conservation Districts: Phillips CD Counties: Phillips County

Southern Land Office
Billings, MT 59105


Stillwater County FSA
334 N 9th St, Columbus, MT 59019

406-322-5348 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Stillwater CD Counties: Stillwater County

Stillwater County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 807
431 Quarry Road
Columbus, MT 59019

406-322-8035 lees@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Stillwater CD Counties: Stillwater County

Stillwater County Weed District
PO Box 795, 865 Hwy 10 West, Columbus, Mt 59019

406-322-1106 Conservation Districts: Stillwater CD Counties: Stillwater County

Stillwater NRCS Office
334 N 9th Street
Columbus, MT 59019

406-322-5359 Conservation Districts: Stillwater CD Counties: Stillwater County

Sunset Irrigation District
Stevensville, MT 59870

Conservation Districts: Bitterroot CD Counties: Ravalli County

Sweet Grass County FSA
PO Box 610, 225 Big Timber Loop Road, Big Timber, MT 59011

406-932-5159 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Sweet Grass County CD Counties: Sweet Grass County

Sweet Grass County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 640
515 Hooper Street
Big Timber, MT 59011

406-932-5146 mking@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Sweet Grass County CD Counties: Sweet Grass County

Sweet Grass County NRCS Office
PO Box 749
225 Big Timber Loop Road
Big Timber, MT 59011

406-932-5160 ext 110 charles.roloff@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Sweet Grass County CD Counties: Sweet Grass County

Sweet Grass County Weed District
PO Box 640, 5 Hooper Street, Big Timber, MT 59011

406-932-3582 sgcoweed@itstriangle.com Conservation Districts: Sweet Grass County CD Counties: Sweet Grass County

Teton County FSA
1102 Main Avenue N, Choteau, MT 59422

406-466-5351 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Teton County CD Counties: Teton County

Teton County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 130
Choteau, MT 59422

406-466-2491 roeder@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Teton County CD Counties: Teton County

Teton County NRCS Office
1102 Main Avenue NW
Choteau, MT 59422

406-466-5722 ext 116 paula.gunderson@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Teton County CD Counties: Teton County

Teton County Weed District
PO Box 1312, 19 Main South, Choteau, MT 59422

406-466-2155 noxweed@3rivers.net Conservation Districts: Teton County CD Counties: Teton County

Tongue-Yellowstone Irrigation District
Miles City, MT 59301

Conservation Districts: Custer County CD Counties: Custer County

Toole County FSA
1125 Oilfield Avenue, Shelby, MT 59474

406-434-5234 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Toole County CD Counties: Toole County

Toole County MSU Extension Office
226 1st Street South
Shelby, MT 59474

406-424-8350 kimberly.suta@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Toole County CD Counties: Toole County

Toole County NRCS Office
PO Box 919
1125 Oilfield Avenue
Shelby, MT 59474

406-434-5234 ext 3 misty.vermulm@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Toole County CD Counties: Toole County

Toole County Weed District
226 1st Street South, Shelby, MT 59474

406-434-2742 weedguy@co.liberty.mt.gov Conservation Districts: Toole County CD Counties: Toole County

Toston Irrigation District
Toston, MT 59643

Conservation Districts: Broadwater CD Counties: Broadwater County

Treasure County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 65
Forsyth, MT 59327

406-346-7320 melissa.ashley@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Treasure County CD Counties: Treasure County

Treasure County NRCS Office
PO Box 187
211 Elliott Avenue
Hysham, MT 59038

406-342-5510 ext 101 danae.pinkerton@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Treasure County CD Counties: Treasure County

Treasure County Weed District
PO Box 203, 405 Pioneer, Hysham, MT 59038

406-342-5549 treasureweed@rangeweb.net Conservation Districts: Treasure County CD Counties: Treasure County

Upper Musselshell NRCS Office
PO Box 4918
809 2nd Avenue NW
Harlowton, MT 59036

406-632-5534 ext 106 monty.lane@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Upper Musselshell CD Counties: Wheatland County

US Fish & Wildlife Services
6295 Pleasant Valley Rd, Marion, MT 59925

(406) 858-2286 Conservation Districts: Flathead CD Counties: Flathead County

US Fish & Wildlife Services – Field Suboffice
780 Creston Hatchery Rd, Kalispell, MT 59901

(406)758-6868 Conservation Districts: Flathead CD Counties: Flathead County

39825 Interstate 15, Sweet Grass, MT 59484

(406) 335-4350 Conservation Districts: Sweet Grass County CD Counties: Sweet Grass County

USFWS Bozeman Fish Technology Center
4052 Bridger Canyon Rd, Bozeman, MT 59715

(406) 587- 9265 Conservation Districts: Gallatin CD Counties: Gallatin County

USFWS Department Services
100 N Park Ave, Helena, MT 59601

(406) 449-5225 Conservation Districts: Lewis and Clark CD Counties: Lewis and Clark County

USFWS Department Services Montana Field Office
585 Shephard Way, Helena, MT 59601

(406) 449-5226 Conservation Districts: Lewis and Clark CD Counties: Lewis and Clark County

USFWS Ecological Field Office
University of Montana, University Hall RM 309, Missoula, MT 59812

(406) 243-4903 Conservation Districts: Missoula CD Counties: Missoula County

USFWS Fort Peck Field Station
270 Montana Hwy 117, Fort Peck, MT 59223

(406) 526-3464 Conservation Districts: Valley County CD Counties: Valley County

USFWS Jordan Field Office
MT Hwy 200, Jordan, MT 59337

(406) 538-8706 Conservation Districts: Garfield County CD Counties: Garfield County

USFWS OFfice of Law Enforcemtn
2900 4th Ave. N Ste. 301, Billings, MT 59101

(406) 247-7355 Conservation Districts: Yellowstone CD Counties: Yellowstone County

Valley County FSA Office
54059 US Hwy 2 W
Glasgow, MT 59230

406-228-4321 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Valley County CD Counties: Valley County

Valley County MSU Extension Office
501 Court Square
Box 12
Glasgow, MT 59230

406-228-6241 smills@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Valley County CD Counties: Valley County

Valley County NRCS Office
54069 US Hwy 2 W
Suite 2
Glasgow, MT 59230

406-228-4321 ext 126 tracy.cumber@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Valley County CD Counties: Valley County

Valley County Weed District Office
501 Court Square
Box 13
Glasgow, MT 59230

406-228-6237 stihista@valleycountymt.gov Conservation Districts: Valley County CD Counties: Valley County

Ward Irrigation District
Hamilton, MT 59840

Conservation Districts: Bitterroot CD Counties: Ravalli County

Wayne Creek Grazing District
Karolee Cronk
PO Box 6, Harlem, MT 59526

406-353-2874 kcronk@mtintouch.net Conservation Districts: Blaine County CD Counties: Blaine County

Weede Grazing District
Delores Hill
PO Box 5234, Mosby, MT 59058

406-429-6801 hilangus@midrivers.com Conservation Districts: Petroleum County CD, Garfield County CD Counties: Petroleum County, Garfield County

Wheatland County FSA
PO Box 669, 809 Second Ave, Harlowton, MT 59036

406-632-5622 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Upper Musselshell CD Counties: Wheatland County

Wheatland County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 733
Harlowton, MT 59036

406-632-4728ext308 reed@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Upper Musselshell CD Counties: Wheatland County

Wheatland County Weed District
PO Box 465, 701 Wheatland Ave S, Harlowton, MT 59036

406-632-4138 mgolsen@ttc-cmc.net Conservation Districts: Upper Musselshell CD Counties: Wheatland County

Whitehall FSA
3 Whitetail Road, Whitehall, MT 59759

406-287-3262 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Mile High CD, Madison CD, Jefferson Valley CD, Ruby Valley CD Counties: Butte-Silver Bow County, Jefferson County, Madison County

Wibaux County FSA
502 Second Avenue NW, Wibaux, MT 59353

406-796-2221 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Wibaux CD Counties: Wibaux County

Wibaux County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 345
Wibaux, MT 59353

406-796-2486 danielle.harper1@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Wibaux CD Counties: Wibaux County

Wibaux NRCS Office
502 2nd Avenue NW
Wibaux, MT 59353

406-796-2211ext101 katrina.johnson@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Wibaux CD Counties: Wibaux County

Wibaux Weed District
PO Box 345, Wibaux, MT 59353

406-796-2486 wibcoweed@midrivers.com Conservation Districts: Wibaux CD Counties: Wibaux County

Williams Coulee Grazing District
Jolene Shaw
PO Box 5242, Mosby, MT 59058

406-429-5621 Conservation Districts: Petroleum County CD, Garfield County CD Counties: Petroleum County, Garfield County

Willow Creek Grazing District
Diane Dirkson
PO Box 422
Glasgow, MT 59320

406-228-2961 grazingoffice@yahoo.com Conservation Districts: Valley County CD Counties: Valley County

Winnett Grazing District
Raye Anne Lund
1925 Lund Road, Winnett, MT 59087

406-429-2393 lund@midrivers.com Conservation Districts: Petroleum County CD Counties: Petroleum County

Yellowstone County FSA
1629 Avenue D Building A, Suite 2, Billings, MT 59102

406-657-6135 ext 2 Conservation Districts: Yellowstone CD Counties: Yellowstone County

Yellowstone County MSU Extension Office
PO Box 35021
Billings, MT 59107

406-256-2828 stevelackman@montana.edu Conservation Districts: Yellowstone CD Counties: Yellowstone County

Yellowstone County Weed District
3319 King Ave East, Billings, MT 59101

406-256-2731 glockwood@co.yellowstone.mt.gov Conservation Districts: Yellowstone CD Counties: Yellowstone County

Yellowstone NRCS Office
Building A
Suite 4
1629 Avenue D
Billings, MT 59102

406-657-6135 ext 115 philip.sandoval@mt.usda.gov Conservation Districts: Yellowstone CD Counties: Yellowstone County