Aquatic Invasive Species Grants (AIS)
Agency: Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Program Website:
About The Program
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) offers state-funded grants for the prevention and control of aquatic invasive species (AIS). The goal of the grants is to protect the natural resources of Montana from severe and unacceptable damage from aquatic invasive species. The proposed project must be critical and urgent and contribute to the protection of Montana’s environment from severe and unacceptable damage to natural resources from aquatic invasive species.
Eligible organizations include city, county, tribes, and other local political subdivisions. Non-profits may be eligible for technical assistance. Up to $15,000 is available for most projects. Control projects may be eligible for funding above this level.
Examples of projects include:
- Baseline survey
- Monitoring
- Education and outreach
- Planning, e.g. management plan
- On-the-ground control
Contact Info
Heidi Anderson Folnagy | (406) 444-6691
Stephanie Hester | (406) 444-0547
Agency Contacts
Montana DNRC
Helena, MT
| (406) 444-2074
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