Bring Back the Natives/More Fish

Agency: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Program Website:

About The Program

Administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), the Bring Back the Natives/More Fish program invests in conservation activities that restore, protect, and enhance native populations of sensitive or listed fish species across the United States, especially in areas on or adjacent to federal agency lands. The program emphasizes coordination between private landowners and federal agencies, tribes, corporations, and states to improve the ecosystem functions and health of watersheds. Eligible organizations include local, state, federal, and tribal governments and agencies (e.g., townships, cities, boroughs), special districts (e.g., conservation districts, planning districts, utility districts), non-profit 501(c) organizations, schools and universities. Awards generally range in size from $50,000 to $100,000, although grants greater than $100,000 considered on a case by case basis.  1:1 non-federal match is required.

Contact Info

Michelle Pico Program Director, Marine Conservation

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