EQIP Honey Bee Pollinator Initiative

Agency: Natural Resources Conservation Service
Program Website: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/mt/programs/financial/eqip/?cid=nrcseprd443206

About The Program

Through this initiative, NRCS will promote practices that will help to benefit hive nutritional health by increasing the availability of forages that have low or no pesticide exposure.

The honey bee pollinator effort will provide floral forage habitats on private and Tribal lands through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), to benefit hive nutritional health as part of an overall effort to increase the health of honey bee. Feral honey bees and other pollinators will also benefit from the establishment of plant forage habitats high in nectar and pollen. A large percentage of the nation’s commercial honey bee hives are brought to the upper Midwest for the bees to rest and feed upon quality forage in preparation for overwintering. The targeted five States are home to 65 percent of the Nation’s 2.5 million commercial colonies. Increased availability of forages that have low or no pesticide exposure should improve the condition and eventual survival of honey bees. This effort will leverage existing capabilities and resources, target assistance where it is most needed, cooperatively engage State and local partners, and facilitate collaboration with agricultural producers, Tribes, and others.

All conservation practices are eligible for this initiative. Detailed information on specific conservation practice standards and specifications can be found in Section IV of the Field Office Technical Guide.

Contact Info

Kelly Barkell, Program Specialist Phone: 406-587-6849

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