Future Fisheries Grant Program
Agency: Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks
Program Website: http://fwp.mt.gov/fishAndWildlife/habitat/fish/futureFisheries/
About The Program
For almost two decades, FWP’s Future Fisheries Improvement Program has worked to restore rivers, streams, and lakes to improve and restore Montana’s wild fish habitats. Between $350,000 and $650,000 are available each year for projects that revitalize wild fish populations. Any entity proposing a project that would benefit wild fish will be considered for funding. Program funding may be provided for costs of design/build, construction, and maintenance of projects that restore, enhance, or protect habitat for wild fishes. Funding cannot be used for administration, coordination, overhead, monitoring, watershed assessments, design alone, or contingency costs. Preference will be given to projects that restore habitats for native fishes. Match is not required but is strongly encouraged.
Contact Info
Michelle McGree Future Fisheries Program Director
mmcgree@mt.gov | (406) 444-2432
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Fisheries Division
1420 E. Sixth Ave.
P.O. Box 200701
Helena, MT 59620-0701
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