General Habitat Program – Wildlife, Fish and Noxious Weeds

Agency: Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks
Program Website:

About The Program

The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks administers a number of programs with the aim of protecting habitat for fish and wildlife. Landowners can take advantage of many of these programs to benefit conservation on their own property. For example, Habitat Montana is FWP’s flagship habitat conservation program. It is a land acquisition and conservation easement fund administered for the purpose of preserving habitat for fish and wildlife in the state. More information and programs can be found at the link above.

Contact Info

Rick Northrup Bureau Chief, Wildlife Division | (406) 444-5633
Catherine Wightman Wetland, Sagebrush Grassland Farm Bill Coordinator | (406) 444-3377
Kelvin Johnson Wildlife Habitat Management Biologist | (406) 228-3727

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