Irrigation Development Grant (IDG)

Agency: Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Program Website:

About The Program

The irrigation development grant program was created to increase the value of irrigated crops while preserving natural resources and the environment for future generations. Projects typically address one or more of these program objectives: increase irrigation efficiencies through water conservation, expand or sustain irrigated acreage, increase production of high-value crops, improve management of irrigation systems, and/or improve inter-basin cooperation among all water users. Projects are funded from $300 to $20,000. Eligible organizations include private for profit, private nonprofit, governmental and Tribal entities, and individuals and groups in Montana. Match requirements depend on the type of organization: government entities alone – 0%; government entities on behalf of a private entity – 25% cash match from the private entity; private entities alone – 75% cash match.

Contact Info

Ann Kulczyk | (406) 228-4129
PO BOX 231
228 6th St S
Glasgow, MT 59230

Agency Contacts

Montana DNRC Helena, MT | (406) 444-2074

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