Private Water Development Loans (PWDL)

Agency: Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Program Website:

About The Program

Loans for private water development projects are available to individual, private entities and may not exceed the lesser of $400,000 or 80 percent of the fair market value of the security given for the project. To finance loans, the law provided authority to issue general obligation renewable resource bonds up to a total outstanding balance of $20 million. Private loans to individuals must be secured with real property. Loans up to $3 million are available for such organizations as water user associations and ditch companies. These loans are scored by the revenue produced by the system. The most common type of project funded by these loans are irrigation system improvements (for example, conversion from flood to sprinkler irrigation).

Contact Info

Bill Herbolich | (406) 444-6668
Fax (406) 444-6721
1625 11th Avenue
PO BOX 201601
Helena, MT 59620-1601

Agency Contacts

Montana DNRC Helena, MT | (406) 444-2074

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