Range Improvement Loans

Agency: Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Program Website: http://dnrc.mt.gov/grants-and-loans

About The Program

The Range Improvement Loans can be used for fencing, seeding, stockwater development, and other range improvement practices, all of which can have an overall beneficial effect on soil health. Funding is ongoing throughout the year.

The overarching program, the Rangeland Resource Program, has four major areas of emphasis:

  • working with county range committees, conservation districts, and producer groups to foster sound rangeland management;
  • encouraging coordination and cooperation between private, state, and federal entities involved in range management;
  • administering the Rangeland Improvement Loan Program; and
  • co-sponsoring the Montana Range Tour, Winter Grazing Seminar, and Montana Youth Range Camp.

The program receives guidance from the Rangeland Resource Executive Committee, which is composed of six ranchers located across the state and appointed by the governor. Members include:

John Hollenback, Gold Creek, Chair
Steve Hedstrom, Vice Chair, Raynesford
Diane Ahlgren, Winnett
Noel Keogh, Nye
Connie Iversen, Culbertson
Sigurd Jensen, Elmo

Agency Contacts

Montana DNRC Helena, MT
dnrc_publicinfo@mt.gov | (406) 444-2074

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