Upland Game Bird Enhancement Program (UGBEP)

Agency: Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks
Program Website: http://fwp.mt.gov/fishAndWildlife/habitat/wildlife/programs/uplandgamebird/default.html

About The Program

The goal of the Upland Game Bird Enhancement Program (UGBEP) is to efficiently and responsibly conserve and enhance upland game bird habitats and populations, providing quality public hunting opportunities for present and future generations.

Contact Info

Debbie Hohler Statewide
dhohler@mt.gov | (406) 444-5674
Ken Plourde Plentywood
kplourde@mt.gov | (406) 474-2244
Jake Doggett Conrad
jdoggett.fwp@gmail.com | (406) 271-2670
Jackie Tooke Miles City
jtooke@mt.gov | (406) 234-0940<

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