Western Wildland Urban Interface Grant Program

Agency: Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Program Website: http://dnrc.mt.gov/divisions/forestry/forestry-assistance/forest-stewardship/western-wildland-urban-interface-grant-program

About The Program

National Fire Plan funds to mitigate risk from wildland fire within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) are available and awarded through a competitive process to 22 western states and territories through the Western Wildland Urban Interface Grant Program.

This program supports the following activities on private and state lands:

  • hazardous fuel reduction
  • fire-adapted ecosystem restoration
  • homeowner information and education
  • assessment and planning
  • monitoring through community and landowner action

Application Period and Eligibility

Each year, the DNRC accepts proposals from partners around the state for submission to the National Fire Plan competitive process. The state scores and prioritizes these proposals before sending them on to the national competitive process. Eligible applicants include but are not limited to non-profit organizations, conservation districts, county and municipal governments, and fire departments.

Individual property owners may not apply but may contact the DNRC Service Forester in their area for information on cost-share opportunities for fire adapted ecosystem restoration and hazardous fuel reduction on their forested property.

A request for proposals for the Western WUI grant program is typically released in late spring each year. Applications are due in August.

Contact Info

Erik Warrington DNRC Stewardship Specialist
ewarrington@mt.gov | (406) 542-4303

Agency Contacts

Montana DNRC Helena, MT
dnrc_publicinfo@mt.gov | (406) 444-2074

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