About Us
The Montana Association of Conservation Districts (MACD) has been a dedicated advocate for conservation districts and communities in Montana since 1942.
The Montana Conservation Menu is your resource for connecting to other Montanans, local communities, and conservation organizations. The Montana Conservation Menu is there to help you find natural resource funding, grants, loans, and technical assistance across the state, empowering local conservation and resource stewardship. Learn more below about funding; local conservation groups and offices to work with; and grant writing and managing resources.
Our Mission
The Montana Conservation Menu is a joint effort of the Montana Association of Conservation Districts and the Montana Watershed Coordination Council.

To support Montana’s conservation districts in promoting and maintaining a landscape where soil, water, and other natural resources are conserved and utilized for the benefit of all Montanans in cooperation with landowners, state and federal agencies, and other partners.

Unite and support Montana’s community-based conservation networks to promote healthy and productive watersheds
How to use this website
The Montana Conservation Menu website is designed to help you navigate Montana’s conservation funding resources as simply as if you were online shopping! Searching is meant to be intuitive. To find relevant grants and programs, visit the “Grants and Programs” section where you can explore various funding opportunities, eligibility criteria, and application instructions to assist you in finding the best fit for your project.
Services and Libraries
Discover a wide range of programs and funding options tailored to
your specific conservation needs.
Find information and additional resources by reaching out to your local
conservation networks.
Access tips and guides for applying to conservation grants and programs.